Friday, August 29, 2008

Mommy, I pee peed in my bed.....

It's 6:45am and this is not a great way to start my day. Having just put the finishing touches on a clean bed less than 12 hours ago, I get the call from the room....Mommy...come here...I'm WET! WET?...wet? Babe, that is an understatement...SOAKED is more like it. I arrive to her bedside to find that she apparently threw the super absorbent pull ups overboard "dry" during the night and decided to spring a leak as she woke up. My thoughts at this point after observing the situation with crusty eyes and funky hair...(did she stand on her head to pee? How could this have happened?) Then it came to me....she did what any other kid would do after shedding at least 3 cups of water....lay in it and maybe the whole thing was just a dream and Mom won't really have to wash all of my bed linens for the 3rd time this week??? Wow....bless her heart, she was apparently terrified to disappoint me so she slept a little while in the soaking wet bed. Her shirt was drenched as if she walked a mile in a of pee pee! I'm happy to report that she was bathed and the clothes/sheets are in the wash AGAIN...all before 7am this morning... No pictures this time....words are enough here......

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