Saturday, October 18, 2008

Go Lions Go!

Saturday's in the Kave household are all about football. Alison immitates football players by saying they do like this...(and she rolls around on the floor) Here she is dancing to the Penn State fight song as they fight their way to yet another victory....undefeated season so far. Matt is one happy fan! He will be going to the Michigan State game in Happy Valley on Nov.22nd!

I have an awesome video of Matt and his girls dancing but for some reason it won't let me post! Next week is the biggest game of the season...until then.....

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Big Sister status

On September 25, 2008 at 815am, Madeline Elizabeth was welcomed into our family. Arriving at the hospital without being in labor and knowing that within minutes, we would be greeting our newest family member was surreal. I can't say I didn't panic as I was wheeled into the OR room completely conscious with no drugs in my system yet! To say I was shaking is an understatement but once Matt came in to comfort me, the lights, knives and needles got a little easier to bear. He talked to me about my favorite season, the FALL in hopes to get my mind off of the fact that Dr. Armand was cutting through various layers of my abdomen! I tried to envision that I was sitting on my parents front porch in Virginia admiring the beautiful colors of leaves covering the Blue Ridge was getting better.....In no time, I heard the newborn squeals coming from Madeline and I instantly feel in love......Together, WE DID IT..hooray!.... as Dora the Explorer rang in my head from the frequent daily episodes watched in our house! I guess I was missing Alison at about that time! ;)
It took a long time for me to get a room as all of the beds were being occupied by new Moms so it was an extremely painful 4 hours of longing to hold Madeline for the first time. However, once I got wheeled into my room I was greeted by Nina, Pappy and Alison which made my day even sweeter. Alison wasn't sure what to think about this new baby and I think secretly she was hoping Madeline belonged to the hospital and not to us! The first week was an adjustment but with Nina's help, in just 6 short days, Alison was in love with Madeline and very proud of her BIG SISTER status! Alleluia..... At bedtime on the 2nd day, Alison did pose one question....Mom, when Mimi and Peepaw come, will they take Madeline home with them?

As you will see in these pictures, Alison couldn't be more in love with Madeline and I know for certain that they will be great playmates before we know it. Knowing how fast this infant stage passes, I am having a hard time putting Madeline down. If she is awake, we drop everything to hold her and cherish each moment as we now realize that Alison grew up WAY too fast! Madeline looks just like Alison so it is really like a time warp for us. It will be so much fun to watch them grow together. Enjoy the pics and video.

Alison holding her sister for the 1st time