Saturday, March 7, 2009

Nina and Pappy help us bid farewell to February

One weekend closer to having Daddy home again....Nina and Pappy came to visit us on the last weekend in February. Nina spoils Ali rotten with her undivided attention and Alison absolutely loves Pappy's guitar. She has learned to strum it while Pappy plays the chords and her rhythm admittedly is better than mine! She dances around the living room to all of her special songs so happy and carefree. Watching her love for music is great entertainment for all of us. I thought I had a video that captured this excitement but for some reason I cannot locate it....

One morning we played hookie from preschool and we all went on a carriage ride through downtown Beaufort. We bundled up and went on the downtown adventure. Ali loved the horses and Madeline slept the entire time not having a clue that she was unbelted on a carriage being pulled by a horse!

Here are a few pictures from the family weekend to include a fun chocolate pudding party we had with Ali's cute!

1 comment:

JANELLE said...

So fun!!! I love the carriage ride :) I hope things are going well in Lake Tahoe - can't wait to hear all about it