Ali was having fun painting her toes with chocolate pudding!
Madeline is all smiles after bathtime!
It's hard to believe that Madeline was 5 months old on Feb 25th...where did the time go? Could she possibly be eating rice cereal all ready? She hit a lot of milestones during this month. She rolls over both ways, laughs, giggles, loves to be tickled, found her toes and eats them, grasps objects to include a cup, took a bottle for days then decided it wasn't for her anymore, and she smiles with her eyes and melts my heart over and over every hour of every day.
Alison is an amazing big sister. She loves to help in anyway that she can. She mimics anything that she sees me doing and sometimes it comes back to bite me!! :) Ali has learned to recite the pledge of allegiance, spell her name and write an A and an L, completely dress herself, button, zip, and is working on tying her shoe, and has memorized several bible verses and prayers. Whew...she keeps surprising me with the new things she has learned and loves telling me who teaches her! It makes me smile when she says, YOU MOMMY!! :)
We are heading to see Matt at Top Gun on Wednesday. We are praying for smooth flights and layovers without any delays. Looking forward to seeing Daddy and enjoying a family vacation at Tahoe. Will post pictures upon our return!
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