Thursday, January 5, 2012


While ringing in this NEW year, I felt obligated to look at the lyrics for Auld Lang Syne after all of those years of playing it at midnight on the piano for my family.  I love all of the words but truly hung on to these:
Let's make a world where people care,
A world that knows no fear,
Where we can open up our hearts
And hold each other dear.

Our children grow, they need to know
The Future's theirs to hold.
If we can teach them how to love
Then the world can carry on.

For auld lang syne, my dear.
For auld lang syne.
We'll take a cup of kindness yet
For auld lang syne.

Wow, and to think for all of those years, I only knew the chorus!  What a beautiful song to reflect and continue marching forward after the passing of a year and a promise of a new beginning.

December was a busy month for the Kave family.  We began December in Vegas where we accompanied Matt on a business trip.  I am so thankful that I chose to go as we got to see all of the neat Vegas sites at Christmas time.  The girls were in awe of all of the decorations and endless Disney characters (umm begging for money, not truly excited to see my girls).  I had to have the "this is no Disneyland" talk with them a few times.  After threatening to make them use their money to pay these guys for talking to them, all of the running to see Buzz came to an abrupt halt!  We had a few moments where we had to divert the kids attention from seeing strippers on poles in the middle of the  mall to entertaining the thought that Vegas was alot like Halloween, just 365 days a year.  WHEW!  We toured most of "Europe" there and Alison really felt like she had been to Paris since the Eiffel tower could be seen from our pool deck!

Good times and lots of fond memories were made on that trip.  Glimpses of Daddy after work was the icing on the cake for us girls!

Well folks, I am embarrased to say that I do not even recall writing this and just found it so...better check out the photo book if you are interested in seeing the rest of it.....WOW!  crazy!

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