My closet stays a mess these days, can you see why?
The girls have a shoe fetish and love to wear ALL of my shoes!
Madeline has started a fashion trend...sunglasses worn inside are far more fashionable than in the bright sun!
This week marked the end of the a Top Gun class and a much anticipated trip to Tahoe for a dining out. Lake Tahoe is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. The lake boasts many shades of blue and the landscape around it is breathtaking.

We headed off to the ball in a rush after we spend too much time skating! I can honestly say that I have never gone to a ball with sweaty hair after wearing a hat and no shower before! Truly this was a first! I had about 30 minutes to get dolled up for the event which meant no time for any pictures with one of our 3 cameras! I was rushed out of the door with nothing but a dying cell phone of now, we have no pictures of the event! I am waiting on friends to send me a few when they get their camera downloaded. It was a fun night and we managed to escape the casino without taking out a loan! :) I am very thankful for that last one! Not sure who's idea it was to have a dining out on a night that we SPRING forward but it made for a rough morning for all!
We promised the girls we would take them sledding so off we went! Much to our dismay, there was no magic carpet at this particular venue so we were forced to walk up the steep hill upon dismount! The good news is that the runs were long and fast. The bad news is Matt had to carry Madeline up the hill each time and I carried two tubes. Alison was a trooper and walked herself and her tube up each time. We went down the hill about 6 times before we were all sore, wet and winded. It was time for the long car ride home and much needed naps! Next time we will make sure some form of LIFT is involved :) Epiphany of the day: We all need NEW waterproof winter wear and it is a MUST for next season!
Here's to a relaxing and uneventful upcoming weekend! I look forward to some family time and rest! It was warm and now it is not so hopefully more WARM days in our near future. I am ready for Spring but my allergies are not! With this, it is best we do not go anywhere for a while! :(

Please remember Japan in your daily prayers. The news this week has been heartbreaking. I am even more grateful for all of my blessings. I pray that the people of Japan can stay strong and rebuild.
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