This one is for sweet Alison....Happy Birthday Alison! Born on October 27th 2005, seems like yesterday. Every birthday has been special but this one was extra special for 3 reasons.
1) Your Daddy and Mommy were both able to celebrate with you
2) You could tell us exactly what you wanted your birthday to look and feel like, not to mention exactly what you wanted to find when you opened up your presents!
3) You donned the title "big sister" just one month prior to turning 3!
It seems like you have been talking forever but your true personality really starting to shine over the last year. It has been fun watching you complete sentences and repeat the cutest sayings. There are several that I will always cherish:
-I so nice to meet you
-I so nice to meet you
-I NEED it ( you never want something, you always NEED it)
-want to cuddle with me?
-can I have a POC-is-el (popsicle)
-is that what I did when I was bor-ing (meaning born)
-I SO SICK (a pocisel will make it better)
-I la you so much ( I love you so much)
-I so proud you are here ( she tells her daddy this often)
-Goodmorning sunshine
-you come back!
- in 1 more day? (countdown could be 10 but it is always in 1 more day til she sees family/etc)
You learn and explore something new everyday. It is such a joy being your Mommy and I will always cherish each year of your life.
1st Birthday
2nd Birthday

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