So it has been awhile since my last post. News flash..... living in the oasis of the desert does not eliminate the need for allergy medicine, it just adds to the dryness of your nose while blowing!!!! I would like to thank God for the arrival of Spring but not for the pollen, dust, wind and sinus infections it brought to this house. We are all still recovering from this spring fever. Thank you Z-pak!
On a more positive note, the Easter bunny is preparing for his arrival and we have eggs of every color! Mommy seemed to create the biggest mess and proudly wore the entire rainbow stained in her dry/cracked hands for several days after the egg dying was complete. This served as a constant reminder that I should read the directions first and follow Matt's lead more often than not! He did not have any dye on his hands of course! The girls were so proud of their creations that they kissed them only to reveal a new lip stain that is guaranteed to last 12 hours! LOL..I cannot believe I didn't capture that on film! So glad Dad was home to take part in the Easter events.
After much anticipation, our swingset was delivered last weekend! Can I tell you how this small piece of property has dramatically changed our lives!?! I am also proud to report that Matt and I successfully worked together on this project without any "words" which was a first perhaps! The girls could hardly wait to get on each piece of the set that they used the slide in our living room as Matt was putting finishing touches on the frame. The trampoline and swings are definitely the biggest hit and most talked about addition to the neighborhood. We have managed to attract kids of all ages and at times I have questioned the "weight" limit :) No matter what time of day, you will find my kids swinging in the backyard and enjoying this beautiful weather. I am scared to mention how great the weather has been because I have been told by many that we will probably have snow again before April sails into May. I have held off on putting flowers out for this very reason.
Matt is in Lemoore learning to fly the Super Hornet and enjoying the standard California beautiful weather. Lots of bike rides, relaxing by the pool, runs, oh and working of course! He tries very hard not to tell me too much about how "green" and warm it is there. It didn't take long for me to start planning a get away to see him for Easter! I am itching to have sand under my feet but disappointed that it is a lil chilly this time of year in Monterey! Regardless we are heading to Lemoore and then up the beautiful CA coast to Carmel and Monterey for the weekend. I am looking forward to the scenic 17 mile drive along Pebble Beach and praying for blue skies and sunshine! Can't wait to see my man and the girls really miss their Daddy.
I ran another race without Matt as my witness! I had the pleasure of training with a great friend, Amy Thomas. This was her first 5K and if I am being honest I shed a tear of excitement for her as she crossed the finish line! It is so much fun to accomplish goals and share that joy with others. IT was probably one of the most beautiful mornings we have had in Fallon since our arrival and despite my laryngitis, it was a perfect day! Looking forward to continuing our training for 1/2 marathon.. Please do not be confused folks, I am sure I will get to 5 and call it a day but it is a goal none-the-less! Here's to sore quads and swollen knees!