so proud
we love our lil Daffodil and Minnie
shows Madeline's personality perfectly!
Meet Emily, the newest addition to our family!
It is hard to believe that my lil girl is now 6~ Where does the time go? Alison has grown to be such a kind and caring little girl. She is very concerned with how others feel around her and definitely lives to please! (can you say her Mother....this can be good or bad) I pray that she is never a doormat and always follows her heart! She has a true passion for life and is really enjoying kindergarten! Everyday she wishes to make something for her teacher that she loves so much. I love this stage because we have awesome moments, just chatting or enjoying a common interest. If she doesn't pursue acting, I will be surprised because she wins the drama queen award wherever she goes. Singing and acting is her passion and she hopes to someday be a rockstar! The rockstar part makes her Dad so proud since he was a rockstar in a former life or atleast he likes to dream about it :)
She was super spoiled this birthday and truly appreciated all of her gifts! We broke down and bought her the American Doll that she has been wishing for all year long. Our neighbor, Mr. Mike, wanted Alison to have a BIG girl bike as she has outgrown everything in the past year so he made that happen! She was so excited to take her first journey on the cruiser and screamed " I love this bike!" Now if she could just ride it to Mr. Mike's all would be right in her world!
Matt got home just in time to Trick or Treat with us. We were thankful to have him along with us this year. Missing Beaufort and our sweet lil neighborhood hayride tradition this year. It was always so much fun to hang out with good friends, eat good food, and then spend all night riding around Telfair. This year we put the girls in the wagon and cruised the neighborhoods here in Fallon. People went all out on Halloween decor so it was fun to watch the kids explore each house.
We are looking forward to November and the opening of all of the ski resort fun we have in Tahoe. We are sad to not be spending the holidays with the family this year but hope to make awesome memories with our Fallon family here!
Just realized I have not posted Madeline's 3rd bday so I will try to update between dipping into Halloween baskets for a new sugar surprise! :)