Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A lil of the white stuff in Beaufort

The quality is not great so it looks like rain...but oh well.....
It didn't last long so we threw on something warm really fast just to catch a glimpse of the snow/sleet falling here in Beaufort. Ali loved it but was in such a hurry I couldn't even get her jacket buttoned. It is really damp and cold so we are snuggling in the warm house today.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Is there a recipe to stop rapid growth of kids?

Alison making yummy chocolate white chocolate chip cookies...highly suggest recipe on back of morsels!

Did I really just turn 3 in October? I look too old in this outfit!
The smile that melts her Momma's heart!
Madeline is such a joy!
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Madeline's milestones!

Madeline making noises after her bath!

Madeline is cracking me up with her new noises. She giggles at random and it is very hard to capture on camera. These are a few attempts but still nothing like the real thing when she gets going. She finds Alison extremely entertaining and Ali eats it up. She prefers her thumb still but recently I have caught her actually sucking her tongue..doc told me about this but I didn't believe him until now. Madeline is such a sweet and content baby. We are truly blessed.