We are bidding farewell to Momma's belly this morning and getting ready to welcome Madeline into our family tomorrow morning. It is funny to see these pictures because I can feel how HIGH she really is being breech but cannot really see it that well. These pictures truly show the beginning and end of her lil body. She must be curled in a huge ball. What a miracle!
Alison loves kissing my belly and trying to get a big squeeze from Madeline in return. Sometimes this can be painful but she enjoys it so much so I go along with the fun! I wanted to be sure to get some pics before the belly disappears. It has been an adventure teaching Alison about babies growing in bellies, etc but I think it is safe to say that we are all ready and anxious to finally meet this Madeline we have been talking about for months.
Recipe for Alison's progressive kiss......It begins with a hug, then a smile, bury your nose deep in Momma's belly, then a MUAH!...oh and make sure everyone is watching and camera is rolling...so sweet.